
Call for Participants

Call for Participants


Are you a doctoral student interested in enhancing your research skills while connecting with peers from other European universities? If yes, then the Summer School ‘From Zero to PhinisheD’ is for you!

The Learning Development Network (LDN) is pleased to announce the 1st Summer School for doctoral students that will take place at the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) in Limassol, Cyprus on 4-8 July 2022. The Summer School is addressed to doctoral students at the EUt+ universities and beyond.

About the course

The Summer School is a one-week programme combining a wide range of sessions on communication, sustainability, and research, as well as various social and cultural activities. All sessions will be facilitated by local and international academic staff members and experts.

The Summer School aims to introduce you to your new role as PhD student and to offer you tools to manage your project, research education, work/life balance and the collaboration with your supervisor(s). The course is a combination of lectures, discussions, exercises and networking activities.

The programme includes:

    • One week of stimulating in-person sessions on communication, sustainability, project management, and research skills
    • Accommodation at the University student halls
    • Daily coffee breaks and lunches
    • Free access to the University’s sports facilities
    • Free bicycle transportation
    • Sports program that includes morning exercise, yoga and water sports
    • Cultural events, a tour of the city, and excursions

The organiser 

The Learning Development Network of the CUT was established in 2020 upon Senate decision. The main objective of the Network is to enhance the educational experience of the students of the Cyprus University of Technology and to promote innovation in teaching and learning.

The Cyprus University of Technology, established in 2007, is a modern and innovative university with international recognition which promotes excellence in education and research in cutting-edge fields. In less than 14 years of operation, the CUT has occupied high positions in well-known international ranking lists.

Limassol, Cyprus’ second largest city, is a vibrant metropolis and a bustling holiday resort. A city that is open and welcoming to different cultures, Limassol is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Cyprus, both for its fabulous beaches and its cultural offerings.


4-8 July 2022




Important Dates



08.06.2022 – Application deadline for PhD candidates
10.06.2022 – Final notification of acceptance for PhD candidates


20.04.2022 – Registration opens
15.06.2022 – Registration deadline

Summer School

03.07.2022 – Arrival to Limassol
03.07.2022 – Pre-summer school full-day social event
04-08.07.2022 – Summer school dates
09.07.2022 – Departure from Limassol




Organizing Committees

Organizing Committees 



Academic Committee

Antigoni Parmaxi, Learning Development Network
Anna Nicolaou, Learning Development Network
Marlen Vasquez, Learning Development Network
Soteris Kalogerou, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering
Dimitris Tsaltas, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology and Food Science

Programme Chair
Marlen Vasquez, Learning Development Network

Organizing Committee
Aristodimos Lanitis, Communication, Marketing and International Relation Services
Andreas Dionyssiou, Engineer of Energy Issues
Georgia Frangou, Center of Student Development

Local Organisation Chair
Aristodimos Lanitis, Communication, Marketing and International Relation Services

Student Organisation Chair

Demetris Charalambous, Learning Development Network

Activity Chairs
Andreas Dionyssiou, Engineer of Energy Issues

Publicity Chairs
Dimitrios Boglou, Cutting Edge Innovation Centre Director

Demetris Charalambous, Learning Development Network

Social Network Chairs:
Dimitrios Boglou, Cutting Edge Innovation Centre Director

Georgia Frangou, Center of Student Development

Demetris Charalambous, Learning Development Network

Admissions Chairs
Antigoni Parmaxi, Learning Development Network
Anna Nicolaou, Learning Development Network
Marlen Vasquez, Learning Development Network
Dimitris Tsaltas, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology and Food Science

Finance Chair
Aristodimos Lanitis, Communication, Marketing and International Relation Services

Danny Kahtan, Learning Development Network
Eleni Miltiadous, Learning Development Network





Dr. Soteris Kalogirou was born in Trachonas, which is a suburb of Nicosia. He is married and has two children. He received his Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Glamorgan, UK (1995). In June 2011 he was awarded from the University of Glamorgan, UK the title of Doctor of Science (D.Sc.). From January 2019 is a Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences and from April 2019 he is a Founding Member of the Cyprus Academy of Sciences, Letters, and Arts. He was employed as a Building Services Consultant by the firm Intersol Engineering from 1982-1987, and in various positions in the Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Practice Departments of the Higher Technical Institute from 1987 to 2007. In 2008 he was transferred to the Cyprus University of Technology and now he is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering. He is considered internationally as an expert in the field of solar thermal collectors, hybrid photovoltaic/thermal systems and the use of artificial intelligence techniques for the performance prediction of energy and renewable energy systems. He is member of CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers), Chartered Engineer (C.Eng), member of FEANI (Eur Ing), member of ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers), member of ISES (International Solar Energy Society) and member of the Institute of Refrigeration (IoR).
He has published many papers in international journals and refereed conference proceedings, mainly on solar thermal systems, on computational simulation and optimization of solar systems and on the use of artificial intelligence systems for the performance prediction of energy and renewable energy systems. His work received many citations. He was invited/keynote speaker in 65 conferences. He has also authored or contributed chapters in 54 books, he is the editor of the book Artificial Intelligence in Energy and Renewable Energy Systems, editor of the book Soft Computing in Green and Renewable Energy Systems, editor of the book McEnvoy’s Handbook of Photovoltaics, and author of the book Solar Energy Engineering: Processes and Systems and Solar Thermal Desalination, both published by Academic Press. He has participated in the organization of more than 90 international conferences. He has supervised a large number of undergraduate, Masters and Ph.D. theses. He is Editor-in-Chief of Renewable Energy and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Energy journal, Editorial Board Member in another 20 international scientific journals. He is reviewer of papers in another 67 journals and conferences. (Updated June 2021).


Dr Dimitris Tsaltas is an Associate Professor of the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology and Food Science at Cyprus University of Technology. He has been a founding member of the Cyprus University of Technology since early days in 2007. He has a BSc in Agricultural Sciences and an MSc in Plant Protection from the Agricultural University of Athens. He gained his PhD from Imperial College London in Molecular Plant Pathology and continued his postdoctoral training at the University of Connecticut (USA) in Molecular Microbiology. He also worked at the Agricultural Research Institute (Cyprus) as a Research Advisor within the Crop Protection Department. He served as a Delegate and Expert of Cyprus to the Program Committee of 7th Framework Program in Food, Agriculture, Biotechnology and Fisheries and as Committee Member in the Food & Agriculture Domain of COST. He is a Board Member of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union (MPU), and the Greek Phytiatry Society, National Representative at ISEKI Food Association, Ambassador of the Global Harmonization Initiative – GHI as well as Ambassador and International Mentor of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM). He leads the Group of Agricultural Microbiology and Biotechnology. The Group is actively engaging in microbial biodiversity and ecology investigations in agroindustrial fermentations. Next Generation Sequencing technologies are used as a tool for these explorations as well as a new approach for authenticating food products (microbiome fingerprinting). The group also engages in exploring biosafety problems in the food chain starting from the farm, such as mycotoxins and human pathogens on fresh fruits and vegetables, to the final processed products. Additionally, Dr Tsaltas team works on biosensors development, food innovation and new product development. Through this extensive and deep analytical capacity the group offers an array of services to the local food, agriculture, pharma and biomedical industry through consultation and analytical methods unique in Cyprus for various microbiology issues (microbial IDing, microbial genotyping, detection of microbes etc).


Dr. Alexandros Charalambides is an Associate Professor at the Cyprus University of Technology, working primarily on (a) how innovation and entrepreneurship can assist in our efforts for the decarbonization of Cyprus and on (b) predicting energy production from solar systems. He is currently managing a Maritime Accelerator in Europe (, and is the founder of Chrysalis LEAP, the first cleantech accelerator in Cyprus ( 





Monica Ioannidou Polemitis has 15+ years of experience leading financial and strategic advisory engagements with large corporates, SMEs, and startups in the financial, telecom, public, and shipping sectors. As a director at Deloitte, Monica launched and led an innovation and entrepreneurship center and a startup accelerator, where she advised and assisted startups in securing private and public financing. Monica has also published on innovation financing, open data, energy and renewables, and technology trends. Today, she is an Executive Director at MAP Fund Management Services, where she manages alternative investment funds as a Portfolio Manager. 





Dr. Olympia Nisiforou is Certified in Circular Economy and Sustainable Strategies, Certified in Quantitative Data analysis and Risk Management. She holds a BSc in Marine Science/Oceanography, an MSc in Learning in Natural Sciences, an MSc in Environmental Pollution Control and a PhD from the Department of Environmental Science and Technology (now Chemical Engineering) in the area of renewable energy and wastewater.Her doctoral dissertation topic has been on “Cogeneration of treated water and renewable sources of energy and other by-products from macro-algae biomass which have been used as biofilters for the purification of swine wastewater” for which she received a scholarship from the Research Promotion Foundation – 0311/21 PENEK. Additionally, for her research, she has received funding from various institutions such as the Bank of Piraeus, Hellenic Bank, and a scholarship awarded from UNESCO (2010/2011 Scholarship UNESCO Fellowships Program for Program Priorities) which she has won first place worldwide. She is a member of the management committee at COST Action FA1406 and COST Action CA20106, and participated in several international and national research programmes as well as in actions of the Innovation Regional Plan of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIIT) – (Regional Innovation Scheme – RIS of Climate KIC ).



Dr. Marianna Prokopi-Demetriades is a biotech innovator and entrepreneur. She is the co-founder of three certified innovative biotech companies, a Clinical Associate Professor in Research Oncology at the Medical School of the European University of Cyprus and a Senior Scientist in the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering at the Cyprus University of Technology. Although the companies are based in Cyprus, they have an impact on the global biotechnological market. RSL Revolutionary Labs Ltd (founded 2018) focuses on the development of innovative dermaceuticals for the relief and healing of skin side effects in oncological patients; Promed Bioscience Ltd (founded 2017) develops medical biomaterials based on 3D-atelocollagen for medical applications such as the synthesis of 3D-artificial organs and tissues; Theramir Ltd (founded 2016) develops new generation personalized therapies and diagnostic platforms for cancer based on nanotechnology and microRNAs. In July 2021 was honored by the American Society of Biology and Medical Biochemistry (ASBMB) for her work on the cancer therapeutic platform EVmiR and in December 2021 was granted the prestigious Republic of Cyprus Research Award in the field of “Life Sciences”. Dr. Prokopi was awarded in October 2020 with the “Madame Figaro Woman of the Year” award in the category “Innovation of the Year”, the Peter Baker Award (2009) and the Graduate of the Year Award from King’s College London (2009). She also serves as a Member to the Board of Directors at the Cancer Research & Innovation Centre (CARIC) and was also elected Vice Chair of the Development Committee for the Parallel Parliament of Entrepreneurship in the House of Representatives/Parliament of Cyprus from November 2020. Marianna holds a BSc in Molecular and Cellular Biology and a MRes in Biochemistry from the University of Kent, a MSc in Medical Microbiology and Bacteriology from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine/University of London and a PhD in Cardiovascular Research from British Heart Foundation/King’s College London. She volunteers as a mentor for young entrepreneurs in JA Cyprus (part of the Worldwide Junior Achievement) Cyprus, and ARIS (A Really Inspiring Space) curated by Deloitte’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre. She is also a Global ambassador for Cyprus in WomenTech Network 2022 and a role model at FESTEM (Female Empowerment in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Higher Education) and part of the scientific advisory board of The European Breast Cancer Coalition/ Europa Donna Cyprus.


Dr. Μarlen I. Vasquez is a permanent Teaching Personnel at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Cyprus University of Technology and leads the Oikotoxicologia Research Group. Her research focus are in environmental toxicology in aquatic and engineered ecosystems. She is interested in science communication and stakeholder engagement in research. She is vice-Chair of the COST Action Ocean4Biotech “European transdisciplinary networking platform for marine biotechnology”. From 2020 she is a Member of the Learning Development Network interested in enhancing active learning in the STEAM fields, especially in the biological engineering field. Previously she was a researcher for 10 years at the GAIA Laboratory of Environmental Engineering and later the NIREAS International Water Research Center of the University of Cyprus and a Health Inspector at the Medical and Public Health Services of the Cyprus Ministry of Health for 5 years.



Dr. Andrie Panayiotou holds a BSc in Biology from the University of Patras (2003), a PhD in Molecular Biology (Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis) from the University of Cyprus (2008) and an MSc in Epidemiology from the LSHTM (2010). In 2011 she joined the Cyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health at CUT, as Lecturer, and she is currently Associate Professor in Public Health (2021-). She is an epidemiologist with special interest in prevention of cardiovascular disease and her work has focused mainly on risk factors and biomarkers (genetic, biochemical, environmental and social) for cardiovascular health, while she has recently expanded research work to include risk factors for the  cardiorenal syndrome and vascular ageing (arterial stiffness as a proxy for CVD), under the “common grounds for disease” hypothesis. Since 2011 she has established and heads the Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Genetics research lab at CII, currently housing 4 post-graduate research associates and 4 doctoral students. The CVEG lab coordinated several epidemiological studies, such as the DEpICT and CARTESIAN-CY and serves as coordinating center for the Cyprus National Registry for Familial Hypercholesterolemia (Cy-FH) for which AP is National Lead Investigator and member of the FH Studies Collaboration network. She participates in several large international consortia publishing joint results in high-impact journals such as Nature Genetics, JACC, BMJ and others (see list of publications). To date she has a total of 32 peer-reviewed journal papers, 33 conference abstracts and 2 book chapters. AP is a founding member of the Cyprus Atherosclerosis Society and elected Secretary (2019-), sits at the board of the National Bioethics Committee (second term) and heads the Cyprus Unit on Bioethics under the International Chair in Bioethics.


Dr. Anna Nicolaou is a Special Teaching Staff (English Language instructor and MA in CALL instructor) at the Language Centre of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT). She holds a Ph.D. from Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), focusing on intercultural education and global competence learning through Virtual Exchange, a Master’s degree in English Language Studies and Methods from the University of Warwick (United Kingdom) and a Bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece). Prior to joining the Cyprus University of Technology, she worked for many years as a Senior Lecturer in private higher education. She currently teaches English for Academic and Specific Academic Purposes at undergraduate level. At postgraduate level she teaches Second Language Acquisition and Research Methods in Applied Linguistics. Her research interests include intercultural Education, Virtual Exchange, Multilingualism, Internationalisation, as well as Computer-Assisted Language Learning. She has published scientific articles in internationally acclaimed journals and has participated in research programs and academic conferences.



Dr. Antigoni Parmaxi is a Special Teaching Staff (Greek Language instructor and MA in CALL instructor) at the Language Centre of the Cyprus University of Technology. Antigoni holds a BA in Classical Studies from the University of Cyprus, an MA in Pedagogical Sciences from the same University and a PhD from the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts of the Cyprus University of Technology. Her PhD dissertation focused on the potential of social technologies as instructional tools that support social construction of an artifact by a group of language learners. Her research interests include the ways collaborative learning environments –in and out of the classroom, online and face to face– can be designed for supporting social constructionist learning and the use of technology for supporting language learning (Computer-Assisted Language Learning). Her work is situated at the intersection of social computing, language learning, and constructionism. She has publications as book chapters, international journal articles and research papers presented at international conferences.



Andreas Papallas is a Research Associate at the Cyprus Interaction Lab, Cyprus University of Technology and a Sustainable Urban Development doctoral student at the University of Oxford. He holds a BA in Architecture from the University of Sheffield and an MPhil in Architecture and Urban Design from the University of Cambridge with distinction. Mr Papallas has been teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level design studio, methods courses and design thinking. Currently, he is the curriculum coordinator for the MSc Interaction Design ( programme, a joint effort between the Cyprus University of Technology and Tallinn University and the academic co-lead for the first makerspace in Cyprus, the Youth Makerspace Larnaka. He is a recipient of many scholarships and awards, most notably the A.G. Leventis Scholarship, a State Foundation Scholarship and the prestigious Susan and Geoffrey Twining Egginton Scholarship from Downing College, Cambridge. Andreas has participated as researcher in various European Funded Research Projects under H2020, Erasmus+ and AMIF schemes with issues involving social computing, creative design methods and migration and attracted funding circa 500k for projects he has initiated or co-led. His research interests lie in design research methodologies, creativity and social innovation, design thinking, social inclusion, urban design and architecture. 



Dr. Elis Kakoulli Constantinou is a member of the Special Teaching Staff (English) of the Cyprus University of Technology Language Centre. She is also a teacher trainer at the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth, training teachers of public primary and secondary education on issues related to teaching methodology and the use of technology in the teaching practice. She holds a PhD specializing in English for Specific Purposes Teacher Education (Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus), an MA in Applied Linguistics (University of Essex, UK) and a BA in English Language and Literature (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece). Her research focuses on English for Specific Purposes, Teacher Education, Curriculum Development, Teaching Methodology, Technology Enhanced Language Learning. She is a co-editor of the volumes Tertiary Education Language Learning: a collection of research (2021), Professional Development in CALL: A selection of papers (2019) and ESP teaching and teacher education: current theories and practices (2019). She has published articles in peer-reviewed academic journals, chapters in edited volumes, and she has participated in international conferences and research programmes. She is a member of various professional organisations and a former Secretary of the EuroCALL Teacher Education SIG.



Dr. Eleni Pashia is an architect, researcher, and educator and currently a Research Associate at the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) on the topic of Inclusiveness and Embeddedness in Higher Education and Research. She is also an Associate Trainer and Researcher at the Association of Historical Dialogue and Research (AHDR) and the Center for Gender Equality and History (KIIF) on the topics of Peace Education, Gender History and Space. Eleni holds a B.Eng./M.Eng. in Architecture Engineering from the Polytechnical School of Patra in Greece, and a Ph.D in Architecture from the faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Sheffield in UK (full departmental scholarship). Her teaching, training and mentoring experience is formed through both formal and non-formal educational contexts. Currently she is particularly interested in teaching about intersections of Design Thinking-Practice and the topics of Gender Equality, Inclusion, Diversity and Intersectionality, and in applying experiential and embodied pedagogical methods.




Antonia Christou is currently coordinating Inno-EUt+ at the Cyprus University of Technology, a project funded by EIT HEI Initiative including 7 out of 8 HEIs of the EUt+ alliance and 2 non-HEI partners: Chrysalis LEAP and Water Alliance. She is also a Trainer of the Climate Entrepreneurship Training, delivered through Inno-EUt+ to CUT students. Antonia is also working on several workpackages for EUt+, including Entrepreneurship, Civic and Industry Engagement (T2.4) as well as the EITTO (Entrepreneurship and Innovation Technology Transfer Office – T4.4). She has extensive experience in the Aerospace industry in France and Germany and has worked as Innovation Manager in Singapore, supporting young Entrepreneurs and startups through the Industry 4.0 Accelerator she supported creating. She holds a Bachelor’s degree on Foreign Languages Applied to Economics and a Master’s degree on Business Development by the Université Toulouse II. She is a digital manufacturing enthusiast and maker. She holds a certificate on Design Thinking for Innovation.




Georgia Frangou has joined the team of Advisory and Counseling, of Studies and Student Affairs Services in September of 2019. She has been working as a clinical psychologist since 2011. She has been employed at a Community Mental Health Center in the USA, provided psychotherapeutic services to the Cypriot Military, and worked at the Mental Health Services of the Ministry of Health, among other employments. She holds a Bachelor degree in Psychology, a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology, and is a Doctoral candidate with an emphasis being on narcissism. She has been a Registered Clinical Psychologist since 2011.







Apply for the course here.



CUT Summer School will offer participants the possibility of being assessed for the purpose of requesting official credit transfers (ECTS). Successful completion of the Summer School is credited with 4 ECTS.




The program is self-funded. The participation cost is determined as follows:


  1. A) Non-CUT students: Complete Program at a cost of 450 euros which includes attendance of the academic program, cost of accommodation and cultural or other activities. Scholarships are available to candidates with outstanding academic performance.


  1. B) For CUT students: For CUT students who wish to attend only the academic program, participation is free. For those interested in participating in the cultural programme the cost is 100 euros.


Scholarship opportunities available




International Telephone:  +357 25 002242/ +357 25 002462

email: (Aristodimos Lanitis) or (Christiana Tourapi, Research Fellow)


All Summer School sessions will take place in the premises of the Cyprus University of Technology at Drakos Building (ground floor, Room 001), Athinon 24, Limassol Cyprus

Information Pack

You can find the Summer School Information Pack here.

Morning Activities

The morning activities include morning exercise, yoga, and water sports and are part of the cultural program that the Summer School provides. 

Meeting point:  Zappeion University Sports Centre, V.Makedonos str. and A.Drousioti str (Ktisis), at Hero Square.

Time of meeting: 07:00-07:30 (the latest).

Duration: 1hr

For more information or inquiries you can contact (Christiana Tourapi)